CYC Projects
If you want to know about what projects we are getting up to around site and how you can best support us, financially or through prayer, this is the page for you. Scroll to hear all about the projects you can get involved in, or simply follow us along for the journey as we see God grow the work at CYC!

CYC Stewardship & Sustainability Project
After many years of discussion of what CYC can do to invest in the future and do our part to look after the place that God has given us, we have decided to start a 3 part project focusing on Sustainable Power, Sustainable Planting, & Sustainability Education.
The first part of our project starts with adding 198 solar panels to our site, creating a significant portion of our daily electricity through a great renewable resource at our disposal. We also are adding fixed charging stations for electric cars for guest groups.
The second part of our project focuses on replanting steep hill faces and waterways in native flora, to create further habitats for native fauna, and add to guest experience on site.
Each part of our project feeds into the last and most important, Sustainability Education. We are creating a new interactive activity where groups will be able to learn about our environment and how to look after it, becoming good stewards of Aotearoa. As part of this they will be able to learn about sustainable energy, like solar, and how solar and other renewable resources help protect our whenua, first hand. They will be involved in looking after our sustainable planting projects, learning about different native flora and how replanting trees and other native plants can provide safe spaces for endangered species, especially our birds.

Pool Upgrades
Out with the old, and in with the new! We've said goodbye to the outdated toilet block and hello to a fresh upgrade. Not only have we added new and improved facilities, but we're also transforming the old space into a fantastic covered BBQ area! Construction is already underway, and soon, with a little more funding, we’ll be firing up the grill for everyone to enjoy. Stay tuned for the grand opening!